Testing Services
- Building & Road Material
- Soil Testing
- Metal & Alloys Testing
- Food Testing
- Fertilizer Testing
- Minerals and ore Testing
- Water & Waste testing
- Non Destructive Testing
- Wood & Wooden Products Testing
- Rubber & Polymer Testing
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Latest News
Standard Testing Laboratoryoratory Started Metal & Alloy Testing.
Standard Testing Laboratoryoratory is a IS0-9001-2008 certified and NABL ACCREDITED testing laboratory established in 2004. STL was established with the objective to provide accurate and precise quality testing services to the government, public sector and private organizations. The laboratory has on its roll a team of qualified and experienced testing professionals.
Standard Testing Laboratoryoratory Started Food Testing.

Standard Testing Laboratoryoratory is committed to provide customers reliable timely and cost effective quality services to meet the National/International Standards.

Metal & Alloys Testing
Metals and Alloys plays an important role in the machinery, construction, refineries, infrastructure, mechanical,industrial,chemical and household applications. The accuracy of test results is the important requirement of manufacturer as well as end users.To facilitate this STL provides accurate and reliable testing facilities to its customers.Testing of Metals and alloys is done for the following chemical parameters by spectrometer as well as wet analysis. The accuracy and precision of our laboratory regarding these tests is widely appreciated by our customers.
Metals and Alloys are tested for the following physical Parameters
- Yield strength / Proof stress
- Tensile Strength
- Percent Elongation
- Weight per square mater
- Rib Area
- Bend Test
- Rebend Test
- Rockwell Hardness
- Dimension
- Impact
Testing of Metals and alloys is done for the following chemical parameters by spectrometer as well as wet analysis:
- Iron
- Copper
- Manganese
- Chrome
- Mollybdenum
- Zinc
- Lead
- Silicon
- Cobalt
- Nickel
- Aluminium
- Silver & their alloys
- Chromium
- Tungsten
- Carbon
- Sulphur
- Phosphorus
- Coating Thickness
- Cadmium
- Ferrous and Non ferrous metals
- Coating Thickness (Zinc coating , Anodic coating , Powder coating, Chrome coating, Nickel coating
Equipment available in the Metals & Alloys section are :
- Spectrometer – Metroarc, Finland make
- Tensile Strength – 10 KN
- Rockwell Hardness Tester
- Carbon Apparatus
- Sulphur Apparatus
- Arcmet