Testing Services
- Building & Road Material
- Soil Testing
- Metal & Alloys Testing
- Food Testing
- Fertilizer Testing
- Minerals and ore Testing
- Water & Waste testing
- Non Destructive Testing
- Wood & Wooden Products Testing
- Rubber & Polymer Testing
- Petrolium & Products
- Electrical Testing
- Core Cutting
- Major Equipments
Latest News
Standard Testing Laboratoryoratory Started Metal & Alloy Testing.
Standard Testing Laboratoryoratory is a IS0-9001-2008 certified and NABL ACCREDITED testing laboratory established in 2004. STL was established with the objective to provide accurate and precise quality testing services to the government, public sector and private organizations. The laboratory has on its roll a team of qualified and experienced testing professionals.
Standard Testing Laboratoryoratory Started Food Testing.

Standard Testing Laboratoryoratory is committed to provide customers reliable timely and cost effective quality services to meet the National/International Standards.

Soil Testing
Soil is the first and most important material to be tested when it comes to a construction activity. Properties of soil vary according to its composition and type. Before starting any construction activity on any land it should be made sure that the soil is suitable for such construction activities. It is most important for a building as well as a road that the soil below it is capable to bear the load from the superstructure above it. Quality of the soil is judged by analyzing the properties of the soil and those properties limits the use of land.STL provides soil testing facilities both in laboratory and onsite. STL conducts chemical as well as mechanical testing of soil as per relevant standards:
Physical tests
- Liquid Limit
- Plastic Limit
- Plasticity Index
- CBR Value
- Swelling Index
- Gradation
- Direct Shear Test
- Co efficient of curvature
Chemical Test
- pH
- Conductivity
- Moisture
- Phosphorous
- Water Soluble Sulphate
- Total Soluble Sulphates
- Water Soluble Solid
- Organic Matter
- Calcium Carbonate
- Chloride
Onsite test
- Dyanamic Cone Penetration Test(DCP)
- Soil Core cutting
- Compaction