Testing Services
- Building & Road Material
- Soil Testing
- Metal & Alloys Testing
- Food Testing
- Fertilizer Testing
- Minerals and ore Testing
- Water & Waste Water testing
- Non Destructive Testing
- Wood & Wooden Products Testing
- Rubber & Polymer Testing
- Petrolium & Products
- Electrical Testing
- Core Cutting
- Major Equipments
Latest News
Standard Testing Laboratoryoratory Started Metal & Alloy Testing.
Standard Testing Laboratoryoratory is a IS0-9001-2008 certified and NABL ACCREDITED testing laboratory established in 2004. STL was established with the objective to provide accurate and precise quality testing services to the government, public sector and private organizations. The laboratory has on its roll a team of qualified and experienced testing professionals.
Standard Testing Laboratoryoratory Started Food Testing.

Standard Testing Laboratoryoratory is committed to provide customers reliable timely and cost effective quality services to meet the National/International Standards.

Water & Waste Material Testing
Water is a basic need for human survival as well as construction purposes. Life on earth cannot be imagined without water. Water should be pure and free from any impurities as impure water is the prime source of many diseases and hence needed to be tested for the different parameters so as to ensure that it is safe for drinking purpose. Drinking water should tested for solids, hardness, alkalinity and other parameters to make it safe for consumption. Wastewater should also be checked for various parameters such as solids, BOD, COD so as to ensure that it is suitable to be dumped in river and make sure that it does not pollute the environment. Similarly construction water should also be checked for ts suitability to be used in the construction purposes as water having undesirable may STL conducts the testing of the water and wastewater as per relevant standard and standard procedures:
- Water for construction - IS : 456 - 2000
- Surface/ground water - IS : 10500 - 1991.
- Feed water/boiler water - IS : 10496 - 1983.
- Water for swimming pools - IS : 3328 - 1993.
- Reagent water - IS : 1070 - 1992.
- Water for Irrigation Purpose - IS : 11624
Parameters tested:
- Total Dissolved solids(TDS)
- Total Suspended Solids(TSS)
- Temperature
- Turbidity
- Color
Parameters tested:
- Acidity
- Alkalinity
- Hardness
- Residual Free Chlorine
- Chlorine Demand
- DO
- pH
- Organicsolids
- Inorganicsolids
- Sulphate
- Chloride
- Fluoride
- Zinc
- Lead
- Calcium
- Cadmium
- Copper
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Nitrrate
- Nitrite
- Magnesium
- Chrome
- Cyanide
- AmmonicalNitrogen
- Oilandgrease
- Detergents
- Phenol
- Aluminium
- Phosphorous
- Silica